United Tour De France - DIG 'In The Cut' Video

The filming trips for our full-length video project have been getting better and better and after our recent 'Tour De France' trip with a bunch of our young 'uns we had more than enough quality footage left over to cook up this raw cut in collaboration with DIG. #stillunited

"Loading up a van with bikes and hitting the road with a (very) loose plan has been a staple in BMX since the beginning. For the latest United filming trip we did exactly that, driving from the South of England to the South of France picking up "The French Connexion" on the way. With kilometres covered, injuries sustained, new friends made, fields slept in and footage collected for "Still United", it had all the ups and downs of a classic BMX road trip. Le Bangers are being held back for the DVD, until then enjoy the rest of the footage collected over our week through France. Featuring Alex Valentino, Harry Mills-Wakley, Fernando Laczko, Nico Terrez, Tom Deville, Corey Martinez and Mozza" - Peter Adam

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